Narrative portraits

Lisbon, Portugal
300,00 € 270,00 €
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1 on 1 workshop in studio with 1 model. For those who want to create a portrait rather than just registering a moment. For anyone who want's to make portraits that have that extra factor , that make us stop and see, rather than just look at. The kind of portrait that leave us imagining that person's life and what led to that particular moment. Workshop on creating portraits that tell a story, have a message or some kind of emotional content that is intended to be perceived by the viewer. 2 part workshop: 1 - General aproach on narrative art, narrative photography and narrative portraiture. My method and practice. From the first contact with the person, to defining and preparing the shoot, and the actual shoot. 2 - The photoshoot, with 1 model properly prepared.

Informazioni sull'offerta

Postato da
Pedro Barata
3 ore
300,00 € 270,00 €
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Pedro Barata
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