Scegli il tuo concorso
Il contest
① Clicca apply per accedere al concorso ⤴️
② Carica la tua foto del tatuaggio migliore
③ Guadagna più voti possibili
④ Vinci un contratto da modello + more
➭ Contratto da modello con la migliore agenzia commerciale di modelli
➭ Servizio fotografico tutto compreso con fotografi di moda
➭ Rappresentazione in noti giornali di tatuaggi a livello internazionale
➭ Abbonamento a vita come membro Premium per rafforzare la tua carriera!
➭ Esposizione globale nell' industria della moda e della pubblicitá
➭ Intervista editoriale + rappresentazione sui nostri social media
Storie di successo di finalisti precedenti
Victoria Daroale Winner Fresh Faces Vogue IT
Sita Abellan Winner Fresh Faces Diesel Magazine
Joao Viegas Finalista Fresh Faces M my magazine
Jessica Aida Finalista Fresh Faces Elle Magazine
Nuria Nieva Winner Fresh Faces Elle Magazine
Mayka Merino Finalista Fresh Faces Loewe catwalk
Aleksandra Przybyla Finalista Fresh Faces Lne magazine
Daniel Perez Winner Fresh Faces Armani catwalk
Who can enter?
- Aspiring models (amateurs, beginners, real people) and professional models. This contest is open internationally to anyone who has one or more tattoos and thinks that they have a unique look.
What can you win?
- We will announce the titles of FRESH FACES TATTOO Worldwide top voted models and the Judge's choice. Both categories will have a male and a female winner.
Judge's Choice winners receive
➭ Title of FRESH FACES TATTOO winner
➭ Modeling contract with Barcino Model Management, a top international Commercial Model Agency
➭ All inclusive photo shoot with fashion photographer
➭ Feature in a well-known Tattoo magazine
➭ Lifetime Premium Membership on to take your career to the highest level
➭ International exposure as FRESH FACES TATTOO WINNER to the modeling and advertising industry
➭ Exclusive editorial interview and featured on all our social media channels
Top voted winners receive
➭ Title of Fresh Faces Tattoo winner
➭ Modeling contract with Barcino Model Management, a top international Commercial Model Agency
➭ Lifetime Premium Membership on to take your career to the highest level
➭ International exposure as FRESH FACES TATTOO WINNER to the modeling and advertising industry
➭ Exclusive editorial interview and featured on all our social media channels
Contest rules
To participate in the FRESH FACES TATTOO contest, you need to have the following requirements
➭ Be over the age of eighteen
➭ Have at least one noticeable tattoo
➭ Have a profile on
➭ Upload pictures that put your tattoos in the best light and showcase your attitude
➭ Premium models get the benefit of displaying 4 photos on the voting page, basic plan models can only show 1 photo
How do I know if I have been pre-selected?
- If you have been pre-selected to take part in the FRESH FACES TATTOO online contest, you will receive a confirmation email from within 7 days of your application.
What happens if I am accepted to the online contest?
- The online voting system for the FRESH FACES TATTOO contest is open to anyone who visits To increase votes, you should invite your friends and family to vote for you and share your profile on social media such as Facebook. Download our mobile phone app for free in your Apple or Google Play store to share your profile on your Instagram story! Try to collect as many votes as possible!
What if my application is removed from the FRESH FACES TATTOO contest?
- There are certain cases where may remove a model's application from the contest. This can be for reasons such as the model doesn't have any tattoos, or if there is unorthodox voting happening for the model, and we see evidence of cheating. reserves the right to remove and disqualify any model from the contest, without prior consultation with the model or the need to provide a reason.
Ulteriori informazioni su FRESH FACES sul nostro Blog