Traduci in Italiano

Pop/Hip Hop Music Video – Male Models in LA!

Traduci in Italiano
Los Angeles, California, United States
Data di fine del casting 25 marzo 2024
Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento
Trusted by models
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Production company is casting male models for a Pop/Hip Hop music video. A pretty simple 1-day performance music video shoot on a white cyclorama stage. Looking for group of guys to surround and be obsessing over the lead female artist! - Shirtless Groupies Guys A group of guys who will obsess and surround over the lead female artist. This role will require you to be shirtless. Looking for people in good shape who are comfortable with that. - Shirtless Lead: A lead counterpart to the female artist, who will be reacting to and interacting with her performance. This role will require you to be shirtless and ideally in great physical shape. Looking for people who will be comfortable with that in front of camera. Timing & location: March the 25th in Los Angeles, CA. Payment: - Shirtless Groupies Guys: US$90,00 for an estimated 3 hours of work - Shirtless Lead: US$300,00 for an estimated 11 hours of work (flat rate) [Pays $30/hr]


20 A 50
Black/African roots


Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento

Additional payment details

Payment: - Shirtless Groupies Guys: US$90,00 for an estimated 3 hours of work - Shirtless Lead: US$300,00 for an estimated 11 hours of work (flat rate) [Pays $30/hr]

Ripresa o location del progetto

Los Angeles

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
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Professionista del settore name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.7 (73)