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Model wanted for Analogue Flash Shoot (90s vibes)

Traduci in Italiano
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Data di fine del casting 13 febbraio 2024
Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento
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Hi - keen to find a creative local somebody for a fun/chaotic shoot, channeling some classic 90s Jeurgen Teller vibes - think film cameras, flash photography, and lots of colour and energy. I'll be shooting on some original 90s gear (Contax G2 - same as Teller's original setup!) so provided we find the right playlist, we should be able to cook up some images with some proper vibe! Sounds fun? Let's shoot! D


18 A 30


Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento


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Time for prints.

Ripresa o location del progetto

Central Edinburgh

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
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Fotografo name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
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