Traduci in Italiano

Model gesucht: Outdoor Portrait/Fashion-Fotoshooting in München, Deutschland- für 15. Februar 2025 ab ca. 10:30 oder Nachmittag. TFP - model wanted: In Munich, Germany for 15th of February 2025. 10:30am until the evening - outdoor portrait/fashion photosh

Traduci in Italiano
Munich, Germany
Data di fine del casting 13 febbraio 2025
Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Immagine di riferimento per questo casting
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Am 15. Februar 2025 Ab ca. 10:30 oder bis Abend nach Vereinbarung: in München, Deutschland ein weibliches Model mit Shooting-Erfahrung gesucht für ein Portrait/Fashion-Shooting in Stadt. Genaue Location und Dauer nach Vereinbarung (ca. 2h). TFP. Outfits sollte das Model mitbringen - ca. 2-3 Outfits. Ich bin ein Fotograf aus Österreich und nur an dem Tag in München. For 15th of February 2025: At 10:30 pm or later until the evening (for around 2 hours, pleas ask for exact appointment) Female model with photoshoot experience wanted for portrait/fashion photoshoot in Munich, Germany, in the city, I am a photographer from Austria and only on this day in Munich. TFP. Please ask for details!


18 A 40


Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento


Additional payment details

TFP mit Vertrag. Anreisekosten können nicht vom Fotografen übernommen werden. TFP with contract. Photographer does not pay travel costs.

Ripresa o location del progetto


Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Fotografo name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.7 (24)