Traduci in Italiano

Model for Hair Transformation Shoot

Traduci in Italiano
Washington County, Maryland, United States
Data di fine del casting 27 settembre 2024
Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento
Trusted by models
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Project Description: Need a model for a Hair Transformation Shoot and are willing to undergo a significant hair transformation. Preferred styles include buzzcuts and head shaves, as the company plans to donate the cut hair. Requirements: Female, Trans Female Ages 18-50 Must be open to a dramatic hair change (buzzcut or head shave preferred) Required Media: Headshot/Photo Dates & Locations: Shoot to take place within a week of finding a model Location: A salon in the Washington, DC area Compensation & Contract: Total Pay: $80.00 - $150.00 for an estimated 2 hours of work (flat rate) Photos Credit from Ocean Hair Design


18 A 50


Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento

Additional payment details

Total Pay: $80.00 - $150.00 for an estimated 2 hours of work (flat rate)

Ripresa o location del progetto

Chevy Chase, MD; Washington, DC

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Professionista del settore name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.7 (74)