Traduci in Italiano

Looking for Female model for test shoot - 6 December

Traduci in Italiano
Data di fine del casting 3 dicembre 2024
Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Immagine di riferimento per questo casting
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Looking for a model to do some test shoots (tfp) to grow portfolio: portraits in a fashion/casual style; Model (vr) gezocht voor uitbreiding portfolio (tfp) - portretten fashion/casual. Shoot will last 3.5 hours, will shoot color and black and white. Mood photo's attached here have been shot by me at similar sessions. The date: December 6. Start time: before noon. Location is my home studio in Maarn, near Utrecht.


Minimum 18


Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento


Additional payment details

TFP: you spend your time, I pay you in a selection of the digital portraits we made.

Ripresa o location del progetto

Maarn, Netherlands

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Fotografo name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.9 (14)