Traduci in Italiano

Jewelry brand is seeking models in Montreal

Traduci in Italiano
Montreal, Canada
Data di fine del casting 30 maggio 2023
Creazione di contenuti o influencer
Trusted by models
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Slow-made statement Canadian jewelry brand are looking for female models in Montreal for the their new campaigns collections. The designer meticulously fabricates every piece by hand in her Montreal studio as unique wearable artworks. Her pieces are delicate yet bold, featuring striking color compositions and textured metal work. MODEL REQUIREMENTS - All ethnicities - Female - Age: 18-40


18 A 41


Creazione di contenuti o influencer

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Models will receive products

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Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Professionista del settore name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.7 (73)