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Diese Woche bis 07.09.2024: Weibliches Model gesucht: In WIEN für Bademoden-Fotoshooting am Abend! Female model wanted for swimwear-photoshoot in Vienna, Austria - until September 7th, 2024 in the evening... Look for details:

Traduci in Italiano
Vienna, Austria
Utente verificato
Data di fine del casting 8 settembre 2024
Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse


Für ein Bademoden-Fotoshooting in Wien (Österreich) weibliches Model mit entsprechender Shooting-Erfahrung gesucht! Bis 07.09.2024 nach Vereinbarung - Zeit eher am Abend, ca. 2-3 Stunden. Genauer Termin und genauer Ort nach Vereinbarung. Outfits können vom Model mitgebracht werden, der Fotograf hat gegebenenfalls auch eine Auswahl an Bademoden-Outfits etc. zur Verfügung, die ausgeliehen werden können. Fragen? Details nach Absprache. English: For a swimwear-photoshoot in or arround Vienna, Austria I am looking for a female model with shooting experience Time : appointments can be made for until September 7th, 2024 2-3 hours usually in the evening. Swimwear-outfits can be provides by the model, the photographer also can provide a few outfits if wanted. For Details and exact appointments: please ask.


18 A 38


Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento
TFP mit Vertrag. Anreisekosten können nicht vom Fotografen übernommen werden. TFP with contract. Photographer does not pay travel costs.

Ripresa o location del progetto


Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Photographer name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.7 (23)