Traduci in Italiano

Casting two female actresses with choreographed dance experience for a film

Traduci in Italiano
Los Angeles, California, United States
Data di fine del casting 31 gennaio 2025
Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento
Travel costs included
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Immagine di riferimento per questo casting
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We are casting two actresses who have DANCE experience. Dancing is a CRITICAL element of these roles! This short film will offer a reimaging of the dance sequence in Jean Luc Goddard's excellent French New Wave film, "Bande à Part." Acting experience is less important than choreographed dance talent for this project.


17 A 28


Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento

To be confirmed

Additional payment details

Actors will receive the fully-edited film for their reel and IMDb credit. A travel stipend and per diem is available.

Travel costs included


Additional travel costs details

TAlent from California and the PAcific Northwest will be considered.

Ripresa o location del progetto

Pacific Northwest/CA

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Professionista del settore name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
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