Traduci in Italiano

Black and White boudoir

Traduci in Italiano
Kitchener, Canada
Data di fine del casting 8 aprile 2024
Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse


To produce images for model and photographer to use for personal use or promotion. Wardrobe can be any clothing that would reflect both a “tradition” boudoir ( stockings, garter, bra, panties,lace, high heels ) to a more casual t-shirt, socks to anything in between The images will range from a natural “girl-next-door “ look, with a voyeuristic feel to a sultry, sexy with a sensual / alluring feel. See the inspiration images for the feel /mood. Nudity is NOT part of this shoot. There are some poses that look implied ( such us having a blanket wrapped around, bare shoulders or a shot of a bare back ) However, if you do not want to do those poses PLEASE LET ME KNOW BEFORE THE SHOOT SO i DO NOT ASK FOR ANYTHING BEYOND YOUR COMFORT LEVEL There are 3 different lighting setups labelled BW ( black and white ) window ( more of a white on black and a portrait set. The studio will have 3 different areas. A bed ( classic boudoir setup ) a window area and an area for the portrait poses. Wardrobe: See note above. Anything that could be called a classic or standard boudoir piece ( corset, bustier, lace pieces, bodysuits, bikini / swimwear ) to casual “everyday” sleepwear Also see inspiration images in the directory for more wardrobe ideas Hair and makeup: We will have a hair and makeup artist onset to apply a look for this set. Just have your hair clean and brushed and she will look after the rest Nails: The hands will be in many shots, so nails should be finished to however you prefer, but clean and prepped Jewelry: Simple. Earrings off, small necklace, if any, rings, watches bracelets none to minimal Accessories / props: Not really necessary. A tie, if you like the shirt and tie look, . Shoot is 2 hours of shooting time after hair and makeup Payment for this set will be for the shooting time of two hours. This is a TFP shoot, but I wil compensate $ 100 for travel expenses. You will get a release to use the images as you wish which will be given via a private online directly


18 A 37


Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento

Additional payment details

Payment for this set will be for the shooting time of two hours. This is a TFP shoot, but I will compensate $ 100 for travel expenses. You will get a release to use the images as you wish which will be given via a private online directly

Ripresa o location del progetto

25 Milling Rd Cambridge Onario

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Fotografo name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
5.0 (4)