Traduci in Italiano

Bald-headed models sought for London shoot

Traduci in Italiano
London, United Kingdom
Data di fine del casting 7 febbraio 2025
Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse


Bald model - must be completely bald (no hair) on their head. Seeking different ethnicities and looks - Caucasian, Black, Chinese ...TFP shoot at my studio in Hammersmith, West London. Shoot involves water drops. Model must be comfortable with getting (only a little) wet. This is a TFP shoot - you get some great pictures shot in a professional studio for your personal (non commercial) use for your portfolio. Please no agencies pitching me for paid models for this. I'm looking for people who look like regular people - you don't have to look like a fashion model.


18 A 100


Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento


Ripresa o location del progetto

My Hammersmith studio, West London

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Fotografo name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
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