Traduci in Italiano

Artistic Project in Milan - ITALY

Traduci in Italiano
Milan, Italy
Data di fine del casting 26 settembre 2024
Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse


Looking for a female model for an artistic project in which will be used different techniques... starting from photography to video and painting... on the body and on canvas with the model's body. A project which will be mostly used to be published on magazines and not only... the canvas result will be for exhibition too. The project will be realized in TF-Sharing mode... not paid shooting but all travel's costs covered... and publishing result too. Only models from Europe, no other Continents.


18 A 36


Servizio fotografico in collaborazione o evento


Additional payment details

TF - Sharing - Published on Magazine

Ripresa o location del progetto


Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Fotografo name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.8 (30)