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Ukrainian models needed

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Fin de casting 7 novembre 2022
Séance photo en collaboration ou événement
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Référence d'image pour ce casting
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Hello, This is Ashi. I am a professional photographer based in the EU. To start a campaign for Ukraine, I am looking for Ukrainian models who can travel for photoshoots. I am looking for open-minded models with an artistic attitude. If you are interested to travel for a couple of days and having an amazing photoshoot, You are in a right place. I have been working with Ukrainian models before this unfortunate situation and now I am starting over. My current location is Vilnius, Lithuania. Other than photo shooting, I can help you to have a better and more professional portfolio in order to engage with more people in the modeling industry. I am an Artist! The type of shooting depends on the model as well. I like to push the boundary and find the best possible way to the photoshoot with my model I have my own brand "ZZZPho" you can find me on any social media. If you are interested and want to have more information, drop me a message.


Maximum 31


Séance photo en collaboration ou événement


Additional payment details


Localisation du projet ou du shooting

To be confirmed

Travail / collaboration en ligne ou hors ligne

En personne
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Photographe Le nom n'est disponible que pour les modèles Premium Unlimited
Notation du membre
5.0 (4)