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Seeking Models: Creative Photoshoot with a Renowned Photographer!

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New York, New York, United States
Fin de casting 9 janvier 2025
Séance photo en collaboration ou événement
Trusted by models
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Référence d'image pour ce casting
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This photographer who is based in Kansas City will be traveling to NYC on February 5-10th next year! She would be very happy to work with models for an exciting collaboration. She views creativity as her canvas and photography as her brush, transforming visions into reality. This will be a good chance for models who are aiming to expand their portfolios. Collaborate with this amazing photographer and bring creativity through photographs! ***Images used as reference for this casting are owned by this photographer.***


18 à 35


Séance photo en collaboration ou événement


Additional payment details

Collaborative. TFP - Models will get high quality photos perfect for portfolio upgrades!

Localisation du projet ou du shooting


Travail / collaboration en ligne ou hors ligne

En personne
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Professionels de l'industrie Le nom n'est disponible que pour les modèles Premium Unlimited
Notation du membre
4.7 (73)