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Project Muse

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Toronto, Canada
Fin de casting 3 juin 2023
Séance photo en collaboration ou événement
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Référence d'image pour ce casting
reference image 0
reference image 1
reference image 2


Maybe it's the warm weather that's got me itching to get out and shoot again but I've found that being able to work with one person over an extended period of time has always produced my more interesting pieces of art. Photography is my art and passion and I'm fueled by two things: 1) The challenge of producing work at the same level as magazine fashion editorials and ads 2) Classic, tasteful, artistic nude imagery So I'm looking for that chameleon of a model who can do it all, from swimsuit, to fashion, beauty headshots, art nudes. If you have a dance background, that is a major plus. I'm looking to shoot about 2-3x a month, focusing each shoot on one style and look instead of trying to cram as much in a given shoot as possible. I've been getting a lot of my work published lately and look for to doing more. Most recently one of my pics got picked by Vogue for their PhotoVogue website among other publications. My style is collaborative in nature so that we can figure out together what we want to shoot and work towards it. I'm looking for someone who's bold & creative, willing to try things out. So if you're looking to improve your port, practice your craft, see yourself as a work of art and want to see yourself in magazines, feel free to reach out to me.


18 à 27


Séance photo en collaboration ou événement


Additional payment details


Localisation du projet ou du shooting

All over the place

Travail / collaboration en ligne ou hors ligne

En personne
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Photographe Le nom n'est disponible que pour les modèles Premium Unlimited
Notation du membre
5.0 (4)