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Fashion Photographer is looking to collaborate with Models in Canada for Portfolio development

Traduire en Français
Burlington, Canada
Fin de casting 3 novembre 2023
Séance photo en collaboration ou événement
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Référence d'image pour ce casting
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I would like to connect with some Fashion Models for a Portfolio shoot. This shoot will be good for Calling Cards and Portfolios. A great book building shoot for novice and intermediate models and good shoot for seasoned models looking to update their book with new and real Fashion images. Looking to create images similar to magazine covers and tear sheets from magazines and models books. Location and or studio shoots for this casting. Sample images attached for the feel and ideas we will be looking to achieve.


18 à 50


Séance photo en collaboration ou événement


Additional payment details

Models to receive photographer selected edited images.

Localisation du projet ou du shooting

Burlington. Ontario

Travail / collaboration en ligne ou hors ligne

En personne
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Photographe Le nom n'est disponible que pour les modèles Premium Unlimited
Notation du membre
4.9 (10)