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Looking for Fresh Faces for Fashion Shoot with London Creative Director

Traduire en Français
London, United Kingdom
Fin de casting 1 novembre 2024
Séance photo en collaboration ou événement
Trusted by models
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Référence d'image pour ce casting
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A London-based emotive fashion photographer and creative director is seeking fresh faces to collaborate on a test shoot on Saturday, November 2nd. This TFP collaboration includes a highly skilled team and is intended for magazine submission, offering an excellent opportunity for models to be part of an artistic project with potential publication. The photographer’s work has been featured in exhibitions, including The Holly Art Gallery, and she has won recognition at the Curzon “Save Soho” Photography Competition in London. Her unique style brings together fashion and social commentary, creating impactful visuals with purpose. Further details will be discussed upon selection.


18 à 35


Séance photo en collaboration ou événement


Additional payment details

Collab. TFP

Localisation du projet ou du shooting


Travail / collaboration en ligne ou hors ligne

En personne
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Professionels de l'industrie Le nom n'est disponible que pour les modèles Premium Unlimited
Notation du membre
4.7 (74)