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Fabulous Hair Artist seeking Models

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Toronto, Canada
Fin de casting 4 avril 2020
Séance photo ou événement payé
Trusted by models
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
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Skilled hair artist based in Toronto is looking for models. He has had the opportunity to work with brands and models and got some amazing results with the hair. The casting is about hair coloring only (+ possibly a trim if needed) with a focus on Balayage (highlights with a rooty finish, soft and seamless) and Base-Breaking (a technique used to tone highlights, as well as brighten natural base colors up to one level). At the casting, you will have a consultation with the hair artist. If they are interested in using you as a model, based on your personal color/technique preferences, your current hair condition, suitability + lifestyle, the artist will let you know what color/technique they would like to do on you. You are then welcome to accept or decline. If you decline, or if you are not selected for prep, you are not paid for the casting. If selected, prep will begin and you will be expected to stay as late as 5 PM for the workshop. The main requirements are: have light brown or dark blonde natural hair. It is ok to have some existing balayage or highlights from before on virgin hair. Hair must be at least shoulder length and healthy. If you see that you fit in this casting don't let it go! You will change your look for the better and you will get spectacular hair! Date: Sunday April 5th Calltime: 10:30AM (must be available until 5PM) Payment: $150 Location: Toronto


18 à 35


Séance photo ou événement payé

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Localisation du projet ou du shooting


Travail / collaboration en ligne ou hors ligne

En personne
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Professionels de l'industrie Le nom n'est disponible que pour les modèles Premium Unlimited
Notation du membre
4.7 (75)