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Are you interested in being free of your negative self image - grow - and be happy for your body?

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À l'échelle mondiale
Fin de casting 23 août 2024
Séance photo ou événement payé
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée


Women needed for Female Beauty art photo shoot! Hello Beautiful girls! I would love to photograph you for my art project... But I live i Copenhagen :-/ Could you please contact me if you come to Denmark one day, and you are interested? You can also email me, if you want me to write you down for a shooting in your own country, because I sometimes travel and then I would like to contact you for a shooting. Thank you and I hope to see you soon! All the best Mathilde [email protected] +4553631981 More info (also remember to visit my website): Are you a woman and interested in being free of your negative self image - grow - and be happy for your body? ​ ​Many women sabotage their own beauty and loose their energy and joy by thinking negatively about the body. I believe that the "Female Beauty" art project, with pictures of natural, non-manipulated and completely innocent women's bodies, can change the society's attitude to what beauty really is. Do you want to join? I can pay 150kr pr. shooting + pictures. The shooting is taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. I must tell you, that I am a very poor artist. I dedicated my life to inspire women to feel better about their body, and I became famous for it, but I am not making money on this, so unfortunately I can not pay your ticket to Denmark, I am sorry for that. The salary for this shooting is also only symbolic and quite low, it's for the same reason. But if you are still interested - and want to join the fight to change the way we see female beauty today, I hope you will contact me today! Read more about the Female Beauty Project on my website. You can also contact me on my phone or email. I look forward to hear from you! All the best, Mathilde


18 à 70


Séance photo ou événement payé

Additional payment details

150 DKKR + pictures

Localisation du projet ou du shooting


Travail / collaboration en ligne ou hors ligne

En personne
La candidature pour ce casting a été fermée
Photographe Le nom n'est disponible que pour les modèles Premium Unlimited
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