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Photographer and makeup artist looking for a model for a Beauty and Portrait photo shoot in Philadelphia! On TFP terms

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United States
Expiración casting 29 de septiembre de 2023
Sesión o evento de colaboración
Las inscripciones para este casting ya se han cerrado
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Photographer and makeup artist looking for a model who has experience shooting, has good skin for portrait and beauty shoots. Philadelphia only, to add to portfolio. The model will pay for studio and clothing. Shooting on the terms of tfp, as a collaboration! No one pays anyone all on a voluntary basis to replenish the portfolio of each participant!


Sesión o evento de colaboración


Datos de pago adicionales

Photographer and makeup artist looking for a model who has experience shooting, has good skin for portrait and beauty shoots. Philadelphia only, to add to portfolio. The model will pay for studio and clothing. Shooting on the terms of tfp, as a collaborat

Trabajo/colaboración online o en persona

En persona
Las inscripciones para este casting ya se han cerrado
El nombre del Fotógrafo sólo está disponible para los modelos Premium Unlimited
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