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Now casting worldwide for the MTV hit show 'Catfish: The TV Show'

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United States
Expiración casting 30 de diciembre de 2020
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Now casting worldwide for the MTV hit show 'Catfish: The TV Show'. Nev and Kamie are searching for more online relationships & friendships who have never met in person or seen each other on video chat. Are you catfishing someone online and want to come clean? Or... Are you tired of hearing excuses from someone online about why they can't meet? This is an opportunity to find out if an online relationship is real or not! ** All interviews and callbacks will be held remotely via Skype or Zoom. Thanks :) All the best, Joel Casting Director | Worldwide Casting


18 a 40


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To be confirmed

Trabajo/colaboración online o en persona

Las inscripciones para este casting ya se han cerrado
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