In Deutsche übersetzen

Models wanted for virtual photo shoot - The beauty of the everyday

In Deutsche übersetzen
Casting endet 29. April 2025
Kollaboratives Shooting oder Event
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Servizio fotografico virtuale collaborativo Modello/a: Maschio o Femmina Servizio fotografico virtuale: progetto che prevede di fare un photoshoot via Shutter App in modo creativo e collaborativo con location remoto, la fotografa e la/o modella saranno nelle proprie dimore . Tipo di fotografia: ritratti Tema: La quotidianetà della vita nella propria casa Durata photoshoot: 30min-1h Uso foto da parte del fotografo e modella: per portfolio, social media e sito web. Condizioni per un servizio fotografico remoto ben riuscito: la modella deve aver scaricato l'app: Shutter App, uno spazio selezionato per il servizio fotografico e un treppiede. Progetto collaborativo ____________________________ Virtual collaborative photo shoot Model: Male or Female Virtual photoshoot: project involving a photoshoot via Shutter App in a creative and collaborative way with remote location, photographer and model will be in their own homes. Type of photography: portraits Theme: the everyday life in one's own home Duration of photoshoot: 30min-1h Photo use by photographer and model: for portfolio, social media and website. Conditions for a successful remote photoshoot: the model should have dowloaded the app: Shutter App, a selected space for the photoshoot and tripod. Collaborative project


20 zu 40
Minimum 165


Kollaboratives Shooting oder Event


Additional payment details

The photographer will provide a selection of edited photos from the photoshoot to the client. Photographs to use for personal use by model and photographer. If used for commercial purpose model contact the photographer or vice versa. The model and photographer have to always credit each other.

Online- oder in Person-Job / Zusammenarbeit

Fotograf name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.9 (10)