In Deutsche übersetzen

Glamorous shooting in Las Vegas

In Deutsche übersetzen
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Casting endet 28. Juni 2020
Bezahltes Shooting oder Event
Trusted by models
Die Anmeldung für dieses Casting wurde geschlossen
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An experienced photographer is looking for female models for a fashionable shoot in Las Vegas. These are the requirements to register for this casting: The photographer has some concepts in mind, but he is open to creative ideas from the models. The shooting will be outdoors, at a location and time jointly decided upon; he is welcome to suggestions from the model. Social distancing will be STRICTLY enforced. The photographer will wear a mask whenever possible, and ask that the model also wear one when possible (when not on camera). The model must supply her own transportation. Payment: $200


18 zu 40


Bezahltes Shooting oder Event

Additional payment details


Shoot oder Projekt Standort

Las Vegas

Online- oder in Person-Job / Zusammenarbeit

In Person
Die Anmeldung für dieses Casting wurde geschlossen
Profi aus der Branche name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.7 (73)