Social Media is a very powerful tool for models, and in most cases it’s even essential, not to say…vital! Professional such as photographers and modeling agencies are very active in social media and often use social networks such as Facebook to scout models!
Therefore, being a social media model is something quite important. We’ve heard stories about models that got famous thanks to social media, such as Tatiana Marinescu, who has been featured in magazine covers and campaigns.
Are YOU willing to have your own Facebook fan page? Looking for some useful tips to make your fan page successful? Well… you are reading the right post! Just follow those simple steps and you will be closer to social media success. Let the world know you are out there!
1. Description
The description you include in your fan page is very important! What should you include?
– model profile
– Website (if you have one)
– Your other social media links (if any)
– Your latest work including some links (if any)
– Information about yourself
– Your email address
Industry professionals that visit your profile will for sure have a read!
If you’ve just started in the modeling industry, don’t worry! Add your profile and a short description about yourself!

2. Cover Picture
When people visit your fan page the first thing they see is your Cover Picture, even before they see your profile picture or the content in it. So use a very cool and catchy picture of yourself! If possible, change this image once a week for one of your latest shoots or campaigns. Of course, you should also include a cool and current Profile Picture, but you don’t have to change this one that often.

3. Posts
Now that you are all set you should start posting before you invite people to your facebook page, it’s better to have some content first!
Images and Text
All your posts must be very visual! Share your modeling pictures with a two line description to tell people about them. But be careful! You should keep the text short, long texts are usually not read. You can always share a link so your fans can visit your model profile or site.
Hashtags are very important! You should include a few in your post, using the most common ones such as #model, #modeling, #tbt, #portrait etc. You can also come up with your own hashtag!
If you have the possibility to mention someone in your picture, do so! For example, if you have a model shot taken by a photographer mention him in the text and tag him in the picture!
4. Get Fans
Now that you’ve shared some content on your fan page you can invite your friends! On the bottom part of your cover image you will find three dots “…”, click on it and you will find the “Invite Friends…” option. Invite them all! You can also ask your friends to share your page or one of your posts to help you gain more views, shares, likes and fans!
Include your new facebook fan page on your profile, it’s a great way to make agencies, industry professionals and photographers know you are active on social media!
5. What and When to Post
Now that you have some content, a great cover picture and some fans you have to keep your page active!
a) You should post 2 or 3 times a day.
b) You can also post pictures from your daily life, not everything has to be related to your modeling career, your fans also want to know what you do!
– Today you are wearing a great style? Share it with your fans!
– Are you in a fashion show? Your fans will love to see what you are seeing!
– Want to thank your fans for their support? Do so!
– Are you in a photo shoot? Share backstage pictures!
6. Facebook Groups
Apart from being active on your own Facebook fan page, you should also be posting content on other Facebook pages such as Facebook group! You will find tonnes of Modeling Groups where you can share your fan page and meet other models! You just have to do a search on Facebook!
We hope these tips were useful for you. Now it’s time to be active and successful!
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